Monday, August 5, 2019

"I love his butt cheeks"

This day has been totally crazy.

We actually woke up at a more reasonable time this morning. By more reasonable I mean the sun was up and it was 6am lol.
We got ourselves dressed and headed down for breakfast. There was so much to choose from, the kids didn't know where to start! I showed everyone around the breakfast choices and started to get Ben settled down with his food. As I walked back in to the food area, I notice flames coming from the toaster. That's right folks, my children managed to wedge an english muffin in the toaster and actual flames happened. I just blew on it like the big bad wolf until it all went away.
Breakfast was great, lots of french toast, fruit, eggs, bagle's, cereal and it actually filled up my small hungry gannets.

Then it was time to hit the road and go to the Pittsburgh zoo and ppg aquarium. The roads here are pretty intense. They suddenly turn and branch off. Sometimes you have to drive down the wrong side to get across (no really). There are bridges and tunnels every 5 miles. So the drive there was pretty exciting. The kids said it felt like a rollercoaster. I have to admit, it was very exciting.

We got to the zoo a little before opening, which meant great parking and only a small line.
It was a hot sweaty wait but I did enjoy the nonsense conversation of the people in front of me. The zoo allows members in 30 minutes earlier than regular visitors. The lady in front of us felt that they did this so we could stand surrounded by gates and corrals and reflect on the fact we are all just caged animals at heart... Ermmmm *blink blink* okay :/

Once we got inside, G decided she would be map reader. I figured this could be a good learning opportunity  and indulged her a little. Having her read a map is honestly like having the worlds worst GPS yelling at you. I was ready to ride off on a rhino after about 10 minutes.

You have to ride on a very intense escalator to get in to the main zoo. Everyone loved it except B who panicked at the end, laid down and started rolling around like he was on fire. We managed to get off in one piece. Just..

It was hard to get a good picture of the lynx cubs but they are so adorable.

The rhino on the right is the baby!

So after seeing these critters we came to the lion den. The lion was up high on a rock and not in a great place for pictures or viewing. We stood for a while waiting because this is one of B's favorite animals. 
Out of nowhere G pipes up "Well its  shame he's dead but its cool we got to see him". Ern... "What?!" G (to me and then all the people around us) "Sorry folks, he's dead". B "Yup, he's dead alright". All the children in the area become wide eyed and parents start trying to shuffle their children away from my little fear mongers. I hurry them away trying to explain he is not dead just sleeping... 

Then we finally arrive at the big surprise!

Its impossible to get pictures without someones eyes closed lol.

We were 30 minutes early for the giraffe meet and greet but I decided to stand and wait. Tickets were on a first come, first serve basis and I refused to risk missing it. After 20 minutes we had quite the line behind us. It was hot but we were excited to wait for what was ahead. Then all of a sudden a guy comes over to us, "Would you mind coming in for your giraffe experience a little early so we can film you for Pittsburgh today news". errrrm WHAAAA!???. Ya'll we got to go in for FREE!!!! and meet the giraffes and ask all our questions and hang out. All I had to do was ignore the camera as it filmed the kids and my unwashed, unbrushed crazy purple haired self! IT WAS AMAZING!

Wonder if I needed his permission to take a picture of him filming lol.

Best family picture ever!

Loved his crazy tongue

I think we shared a moment...

Was starting to worry he might think James' hair was hay...

After our awesome encounter we went to find the gorilla's. I was hoping to get a really good view of their giant silverback male but he was laying on a hill with his back to us. B's response was "Oh I love his buttcheeks". Feel like some of the same parents from the lions may have been there to witness our gorilla conversation too.
Everyone was starting to get tired and hungry at this point. We wandered round the zoo without stopping for any more pictures. We saw a crocodile, the polar bear (who roared and was incredible), sea lions, monkeys, ant eaters, alpacas and so many more. We also wondered through the aquarium, the kids were very excited because the penguins decided to get in the water and put on a show. Man are they  fast!!. Benny got excited by the sharks and because he was convinced he "Found Dory Mommy!". They all stopped to pet the stingrays. Oh and we ended the day with a walk through the kangaroos. They are so soft and cuddly! 

We stopped at the gift store and I bough a magnet with the giraffes we saw today but I lost it before we even left the zoo. I was so sad, but I have spent the afternoon hoping a kid found it and got to take it home. That would have made my day as a kid!

On our way back to the hotel our low tire pressure light came one. Thankfully we passed a PEPBOYS and the feller there was kind enough to just top off the tires for us real quick. I was grateful as I was nervouse to try and do it myself. 

All the way home the kids thanked me for a wonderful day. It made my heart feel so full that I almost didn't notice the fact they tried to kill each other and bickered all afternoon.

We got back to the hotel around 2:30 and relaxed for a while and then I got brave and decided to take them down to the pool. We had so much fun! I did not even attempt pictures as I am always super nervous having the kids all in the pool with only me to watch. It went so well though. The kids all put on, or got in to their various floating devices. Even baby F had an inflatable apple to bob about in which produced so many smiles. She worked hard kicking her legs and squealing for joy. G and J enjoyed trying to catch a weight we found at the bottom of the pool. S floated  around in her vest and then even my sweet B who is usually terrified of the water managed to steal him self and come in with us. 
We played ring around the roses and soaked up some awesome family time. 
We played all the way to dinner time. I decided we were all too exhausted to brave a restaurant so we had mexican food delivered. 
Now we are spending the evening watching movies and playing card games. It's been a pretty awesome day.

Oh I forgot to mention that yesterday I actually got to try an authentic philly cheesesteak. It was like kebab meat with cheese and onions in a sub. I was surprised how much we liked it! Gotta try the local food in new places.

I also forgot to say that G and J have decided to keep travel journals, completely unprompted! I am so excited. I will ask if they will be willing to let me share it with you all once we get home. 

Anyway, tomorrow we are off to Ohio. We were supposed to be going to a national park but there is heavy thunderstorms in the forcast for the next 3 days and I am not sure its going to happen. Leaves us open to other adventure possabilities. Guess we will see what tomorrow brings.

Thanks for reading all! 


- Sophie

1 comment:


Our day had a lovely slow start. I laid in my bed for as long as possible (8am), we meandered down stairs for breakfast. We actually managed...